Friday, 15 May 2015

TBR For The #CrushYourTBR Read-A-Thon

First of all, a little explanation of what a Read-A-Thon is precisely. Lots of people still don’t know what we’re all talking about.

A Read-A-Thon is when a person reserves a specific amount of time for reading. In this instance, the goal is to ‘crush your TBR’ or read some books you meant to read for a while in a time span of a long weekend. So from May 15th (which it is today) until the 17th. There are also some reading sprints during this one, which basically means lots of people read simultaneously for a certain amount of time. After this set amount has passed, these people come together on a social media platform to share their reading progress. If you want to join, follow the #CrushYourTBR twitter which I’ll link for you here

With that out of the way, let’s move on to the part where I tell you what I’m going to read. 



I started this one already and I’m halfway through. This is a library book that’s been on my TBR for quite a while now. 

I started this one last night and I’m only a couple pages in. It seems like it’s going to be a gripping and honest book. I’m already scared for the main character, Genesis, and she doesn’t even know what’s going on yet.

Days Like This by Danielle Ellison
This is a review copy I received by the lovely Bookish World Press publishing house. I’ve been in the mood for contemporary after reading lots of fantasy and thrillers. This seems like quite a good fix.

This is it for now. If I finish these, I’ll pick up something else but I’m not going to decide beforehand. So, what are you planning on reading?

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  1. This seems fun, good luck! All of these are new to me but they do seem interesting, and the cover of Bomb is really eye-catching. Right now I am reading Looking for Alaska :)

    1. Thank you! The cover of Bomb is what originally drew me in too. The synopsis is totally intriguing though. At the beginning of the book there is even a reference to a certain extremist group.

      Looking for Alaska is beautiful. I loved that book. Happy reading! (Or not so happy in this case)

  2. It really does, it definitely gets your attention and the synopsis makes me want to read it right now, seems like it would have good pacing!

    Aha, yeah, it was definitely a read that makes you feel all the feels.

  3. Good luck on your Read-a-Thon! A TBR-crusher is a great idea. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for alerting me to my broken link. It's fixed now. I'm a new bloglovin follower!
