Friday, 15 May 2015

Review: The October Faction Volume 1 - Steve Niles & Damien Worm

I received a free copy of The October Faction Volume 1 by Steve Niles & Damien Worm from Diamond Book Distributors in exchange for an honest review.


Dark, gripping, supernatural, horror-themed and crazy funny.

The October family may be the craziest family you’ll encounter. Like ever. Fredrick Allan, ex-monster hunter, and his wife Deloris’ first date was an  actual zombie hunt. How dysfunctional can it get? Much more so it seems, because people will be killed and buried in a forest while the whole family is quite a-okay with it. Werewolves, zombies, summoning ghosts, shooting people, fighting with boys who have a piece of metal for a head. Yes.

It’s been a while since I read a comic. I think a couple of years, atleast. This was a good one to start out with. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this comic book. Thanks to the October family, I might pick up another one soon.

The art is wonderful. Gritty, sinister with a dark palette. I’ve always loved the darker art and this one was no exception. The pictures were unbelievably detailed and beautiful. Truly little works of art. Damien Worm, you’re a creative mastermind.
The characters in this book were crazy, all in their own league. Fredrick was my favourite character and there were times I couldn’t stop laughing at him. The October Faction has such dark humour and it’s so great, because it’s my favourite kind of humour. The scene where someone was killed and buried was the funniest part. These people are insane and you got to love it. Opal, who appears later in this volume, was so quirky and I also loved her. The way she looks and the little personality you see in the couple of pages she’s in. I’m also curious as to what is going to be Dante’s role later on. 
This first volume was quite an introduction, but I felt like there was too little world-building. But also too little background information. I wanted to know more about Fredrick’s monster-hunting days and why Vivian and Geoff wanted to be monster-hunters themselves. It also seems like all the people in the October family are supernatural. At one point, Deloris kicks someone through a window from the second floor and jumps through it. Without actually breaking anything. You can’t do these kind of things without being supernatural. I would have liked if this was explained in this first volume, but that didn’t happen. 

Not sure if I will pick up the next volume. If the chance presents itself, I will but until then I’m going to keep it at this. Even though I want to know more about the world and the characters.

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

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