Friday, 17 June 2016

Update on My Reading Goals

At the beginning of this year, I set myself some goals. Throughout the year I have been adding on to those. I love having a structure in my reading and I find it hard to pick books to read if I don't set a certain kind of challenge for myself. After I started doing this, I didn't want to do anything else anymore. It became a habit and now I do monthly and quarterly challenges. 

Goals video

On my booktube channel I did a goals video at the start of the year. I set myself some personal goals and some reading goals I want to stick to. These goals were to finish an entire author alphabet, read more books from my TBR jar, read 55 books, catch up on my review copies and last but not least, read more of what I enjoy. Let's get into those goals now.

1. Finish an entire author alphabet

I haven't finished the alphabet. I haven't read the letters I still had to fill conciously. I'm doing the alphabet based on last names and I did manage to fill the letter Q. That's one letter down, three more to go. The remaining letters are U, X and Y. Shouldn't be too hard. I feel like I can manage that in the upcoming six months.

2. Read more books from my TBR jar

I didn't do this one. I think I picked one or two back in January and February, then I stopped. Since I'm doing monthly reading challenges, all of my books are basically chosen for the month. Apart from that, I go to the library a lot and take random books with me. Not much room to get a challenge from my TBR jar. But I don't really mind. I'm still diversifying my reading through these other challenges.

3. Read 55 books

Definitely reached that and surpassed it. I have read 81 books at the moment I'm writing this. What's funny is that when I filmed my goals video at the end of December last year I had read 81 books in the entire year. It's June, we're halfway and that's the amount of books I've read now. I can cross this one off of my list.

4. Catch up on my review copies

I didn't have that many review copies in the first place. It was easy to do that and I can cross this one off as well. I do have new review copies, but only one or two. I'm not overwhelmed anymore and I'm caught up nicely.

5. Read more of what I enjoy

I have read a couple books I enjoyed these past six months. I defiantly do this one. The next book I pick is always one I expect to enjoy. This goal doesn't have a certain point where I can say: I DID THIS, except for the end of the year. Up until now, I managed to do this one and I'm proud of it.

Other goals

Next to all of these goals, I came up with some other ones. I wanted to buddyread a book for the first time, I wanted to do a big team challenge on Goodreads and I wanted to participate in a readathon.

1. Buddyreading a book

I can officially say I have buddyread a book with a fellow booktuber. The book we read together was The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. It wasn't a huge success. Buddyreading went great. We also didn't enjoy the book a lot. That doesn't matter, though, because I managed to do it. I asked a booktuber I really like to read Amy & Roger's Epic Detour with me and she said she would. So I'm making an effort.

2. Participate in a big team challenge

Haven't done this one yet, but I am! I have joined a big team challenge and it's going to start on the 17th of June. I'm beyond excited. It's a huge challenge that's going on for 18 weeks in total. I'm on team Polar Bear.

3. Participate in a readathon

This one is still waiting to happen. There have been a lot of readathons this year, but I haven't tried to participate yet. I have a readathon I'm wanting to participate in, though. It's the Booktubeathon which I participated in last year when I wasn't busy with my own channel yet. This year I want to do it again, but join in on the video challenge fun.

I think we can conclude I'm doing really good on these challenges. I haven't been thinking about them an awful lot, but unconsciously I'm throwing myself into things I have never done before and I couldn't be more excited.

Have you set any challenges for yourself? How are you doing on those? 

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