Friday, 15 May 2015

Review: Those Girls - Lauren Saft

Those Girls by Lauren Saft will be out in your local bookstore on June 9th 2015. I received this book as an eArc from Little, Brown Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review.


This book got me. Right in the feels. Perfectly relatable as a teenager. I couldn’t put this book down and stayed up until three AM to finish it.

Veronica, Alex and Mollie are best friends and have been since a very long time. Alex is in love with her best friend Drew, but he doesn’t know about it and now she joined a band - without telling anyone. Mollie struggles to keep her estranged boyfriend with her, while she’s getting meaner. And Veronica longs for love, in all senses. This book is about their junior year.

Geez, this book. I started this book with the idea that I was going to like Mollie and Alex the most, but in the end I was so wrong. I despised Mollie and ended up loving Veronica. Even though I didn’t like all of these characters at some point in the book, I could always connect to them in some way. The girls make mistakes, but they have their own motivations for the things they do. That’s what I adored about this story. Mollie struggling to make her boyfriend love her like he did once, Veronica sleeping around and desiring some real love and Alex who just wants to be somebody on her own without being connected to Mollie all the time.

The tension was definitely building through the whole story. The way Mollie started to hate Veronica was felt since the beginning but it only got worse. I think Veronica turned out to be the most normal one from the bunch, right along with Drew, Alex’ best friend. Mollie seemed to have some real issues, like obsessing over losing Alex and doing something else near the end of the book. I got the feeling she went a bit crazy but that’s what some situations do to you, I guess.

The ending was to my liking, it was quite realistic and left so much to the imagination. It does make me long for another book with these characters, because I loved them all through and through. A book about their senior year, maybe? 

✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰

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