Thursday, 28 May 2015

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2015

This is a year-long reading challenge hosted over at My Reader's Block. The purpose of this challenge is to choose a level and read the chosen number of books from your TBR that were on there prior to January 1st 2015. 

You can say I am quite late to the party. I join in when this post goes online. This means that I will not count the books I read from my TBR the first few months of 2015. I will start counting when this post is actually on my blog. 

To start it off, I chose the lowest level possible because I can still upgrade my level. But from the moment I upgrade, I cannot go down anymore. The level I chose, is:

Pike's Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile.

I did not choose my books beforehand, because I feel like I am obligated to read them and I want to read what I am in the mood for. At the moment, I am reading:

Title: The Secret History
Author: Donna Tartt
Series: Standalone
Publisher: Penguin Books
First Publication: 1992
Genre: Contemporary thriller
Synopsis: A group of eccentric misfits at an elite New England college go beyond the boundary of normal morality and at last slip - inexorably - into evil.

Goodreads Amazon 

This book has been on my TBR since September 13th 2014, since I was currently reading it prior to this post I will count it towards my goal. If there are any new additions to my reading challenge, I will make a new post with the update next month. 

Are you doing any challenges? Which ones?

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